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Types of Hotdogs in Singapore 2023 You Have to Try

Best Hotdogs Singapore

Many people prefer burgers over hot dogs because they believe that hot dogs are really not worth the same price as a burger. Perhaps the worst thing that can happen is that you pay a lot of money and end up with a bad hotdog. 

Let’s face it, everyone enjoys a tasty burger. Singaporeans can’t seem to get enough of the all-time favorite burger, from famous fast-food joints like Shake Shack and McDonald’s to restaurants like Burger & Lobster serving exquisite burgers.

Hotdogs, on the other hand, is making a significant resurgence in Singapore’s food sector. With the launch of Shopee Singapore, Singaporeans can now bite into traditional hot dogs, even without leaving their homes!

You might probably, trying to look for the best hotdog? A superb hot dog can compete with the best burgers; all you have to do is know where to look. 

In this post, we have summarized all of the pertinent information to compile a list of the best hotdogs in Singapore to sink your teeth into, all of which are available on Shopee Singapore.

Top 5 Hotdogs in Singapore You Definitely Have to Try

Best Hotdogs in SingaporeWhy We Love It
Tasty Food Affair Chicken Franks or SausagesJuicy but not sloppy
With a little sweetness in flavor
No artificial flavors
No artificial preservatives
Taiwan Dragon HotdogLow fat content
Very meaty flavor
Kizmiq Smoked Chicken HotdogHalal-certified
Cooks faster than other brands
SunnyGold Chicken HotdogCrispy on the outside, juicy inside
Spicy and savory
Perdix Chicken HotdogLow in sodium
Has a strong chicken flavor
No nitrates and nitrites
No artificial flavors
What are the best hot dogs for you in Singapore?

Tasty Food Affair Chicken Franks or Sausages 

best hotdog singapore

Tasty Food Affair Chicken Franks, Sausages, and Hot Dogs are processed foods that are widely available in the market. Before eating, they should be boiled, grilled, or fried.

The depth of flavor simply reflects their commitment to chicken sausage/hotdogs. They are committed to flavoring their sausages with only natural ingredients, meaning no artificial flavors or artificial preservatives.

It’s juicy but not sloppy, and it’s quite soft. But if you like your dogs snappy, keep looking; these don’t have much crunch when boiling, and grilled only gives them a light brown color and a slight snap. 

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When we bit into the boiled dog, we noticed a problematic soapy aftertaste, so fire up the grill or grill pan for these hotdogs for a better experience.

Having said that, this hotdog kept us craving for another taste. Something about the pleasantly sweet flavor and soft texture makes me want to eat an entire bag of these instead of just one before a cheeseburger on a hot summer day.

Tasty Food Affair Chicken Franks or Sausages fit perfectly all of the expectations for shoppers looking for a low sodium choice with good flavor, adequate protein, and no animal components. These hotdogs still have a slight soy flavour, but they’re otherwise nearly indistinguishable from the turkey, chicken, and pork-based hot dogs.

Total Shopee Review: 5/5

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Taiwan Dragon Hotdog 

best hotdog singapore 2021

When grilled, these hotdogs are a great alternative to pork sausage. However, because they have a lower fat level, take careful not to overcook them or they may dry up.

It’s clear how meaty it is, both in terms of taste and appearance. We would not recommend boiling these because the outside skin and inside are the same color, making them look unappealing and giving us franken-food vibes. 

The boiling ones were equally spongy, rubbery, and slick to the point of breaking when we tried to pick them out of the saucepan using silicone tongs. When grilled, however, it retained its color with some random browning and bubbling. The real benefits are the pricing and nutritional information.

When the goods have been delivered, it is frozen. Each pack of hotdogs weighs approximately 250g. Main ingredients include chicken, cheese starch, salt, sugar, spices, and allergens such as soy and milk.

Total Shopee Review: 5/5

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Kizmiq Smoked Chicken Hotdog

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Kizmiq Smoked Chicken Hotdog is a premium Halal-certified food. It is the hotdog that best meets your expectations and best interests.

Kizmiq Smoked Chicken Hotdog is manufactured and sold in Singapore. It also has a 500G weight per pack. 

They have an excellent flavor and are reasonably affordable. Kizmiq Smoked Chicken Hotdog should be your go-to choice if you’re actually seeking to make a large quantity of chicken sausage for an entire crowd. They also have antibiotic-free options, which are definitely worth the extra money. They’re exactly ideal for grilling because they haven’t been precooked.

Total Shopee Review: 5/5

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SunnyGold Chicken Hotdog

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It’s essentially a spicy hotdog. Put a glass of water next to it. It’s possible that the spice level will rise to a point where you won’t be able to endure it. However, if you enjoy working up a sweat with food, you’ll adore SunnyGold Chicken Hotdog.

The hotdogs are particularly large and have a conventionally attractive casing on the outside and that clearly gives them a truly satisfying snap when cooked and eaten all into.

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With just one mouthful, we’re taken back to the backyard barbecues and block gatherings of our childhood. Both boiled and grilled, the outer crust remained crisp while the center remained moist and soft, despite its only moderate browning. The savory, delicious flavor is actually the star here, wrapped in a chewy, crisp outer layer.

 This choice is ideal for cooking on the stove or grill for a casual outdoor family dinner because they don’t burn as well as you might like for feeding guests. The pricing is also not bad, coming in at around 79 cents per dog.

Manufactured entirely in Singapore! For quality and food safety, this hotdog is Halal Certified and is prepared in an FSSC22000 certified facility.

Total Shopee Review: 5/5

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Perdix Chicken Hotdog

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Are you looking for tasty hotdog brats that aren’t too salty? Perdix Chicken Hot Dogs is a Halal Certified that makes terrific hot dogs, and are great for cookouts. The Perdix Chicken Hotdog includes six grams of protein and 370 milligrams of salt or less per serving. 

If you’re watching your salt intake, choose Perdix Chicken Hotdog, which has only 320 milligrams of sodium per serving.

The juicy texture and lasting spice, noting that the rich flavor could withstand a variety of toppings are very commendable. This hot dog was soft and chewy, and it left the greatest grease mark on the dish of all the hot dogs.

This hotdog had a strong texture, but it was also light and simple to bite. It is free of nitrates and nitrites derived from artificial substances. 

Total Shopee Review: 5/5

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Why is it called hotdog?

Hotdogs are really popular food in many parts of the world, but have you ever wondered why they are called hotdogs? Well, as it turns out, the name hotdog actually comes from the sausages themselves!

These sausages are made from a mixture of meat and spices that are stuffed into a casing and then cooked. When the sausages are cooked, they become plump and juicy, so much so that they look like dachshund.

Thus, vendors began calling them hotdogs, and the name stuck. Interestingly, the term “hotdog” was not always used to describe the sausage. In fact, it was coined in the early 1900s and quickly became a popular term among Americans.

Today, hotdogs have become a staple at bbq parties, events, pasar malam, cookouts, and casual gatherings, and they are enjoyed by people of all ages.

Some Easy Ideas For Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are food that never go out of style and can be enjoyed in many different ways. Here are some ideas for how to enjoy hot dogs:

  1. Classic hot dog: Enjoy a classic hot dog with your favorite toppings, such as ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, and cheese. We love the one at Ikea.
  2. Chili dog: Top your hot dog with chili and cheese for a delicious and hearty meal.
  3. Chicago-style hot dog: Enjoy a Chicago-style hot dog with mustard, onions, relish, tomato, pickles, and celery salt.
  4. Bacon-wrapped hot dog: Wrap your hot dog in bacon and grill it for a smoky and flavorful twist.
  5. Corn dog: Dip your hot dog in batter and deep-fry it for a classic corn dog.
  6. Reuben dog: Top your hot dog with sauerkraut, thousand island dressing, and Swiss cheese for a delicious Reuben-inspired meal.
  7. Hawaiian dog: Top your hot dog with pineapple, teriyaki sauce, and green onions for a sweet and savory Hawaiian-inspired meal.
  8. Philly cheesesteak dog: Top your hot dog with sautéed onions, peppers, and melted provolone cheese for a delicious Philly cheesesteak-inspired meal.
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Overall, hot dogs can be enjoyed in many different ways, so get creative and try out some new toppings and recipes!

How to Choose Good Hotdogs in Singapore

All of the hotdogs are  tasty, and any of them, even the healthier ones, would hold their own in any hot dog recipe. If you’re concerned about any of the ingredients, a good swirl of spicy mustard and sauerkraut would transform the flavor profile of these hot dogs.

It is not only about choosing the best brand of your favorite hotdog. There are also some factors that you have to consider in choosing the best hotdog.

Always choose hot dogs labeled “Uncured” or “No added nitrates,”

As sodium nitrite or nitrate (added to most hot dogs to help prolong the shelf life) has been linked to an elevated cancer risk by some (but not all) experts.

Choose hotdogs that are sodium-aware. 

It was discovered that hotdogs do not have to be salt bombs to be delicious. Try looking for brands with a sodium content of 370 mg fewer.

Organic hot dogs are the way to go. 

There are hotdogs actually prepared from organically bred animals that haven’t even been heavily exposed to antibiotics or chemicals. They also avoid unnecessary nitrites and nitrates.

Keep an eye on your fat and sodium intake.

A meal that contains one hot dog can easily push your daily sodium and saturated fat count beyond the permitted limit if you’re not careful about the other items you eat in a day.

Think about what’s inside.

Not all hot dogs are made equal when it comes to the quality of the meat they contain.

Some hotdog brands use “mechanically separated meat” (pork or poultry), which the USDA defines as “a paste-like or batter-like meat product formed by driving bones with attached edible flesh through a sieve or similar device under high pressure to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue.”

Don’t be fooled by claims of “no nitrite.”

If a hot dog’s label states “cured,” it was prepared with synthetic nitrites or nitrates (such as sodium nitrite), which are preservatives used in many processed meats, according to USDA standards. Curing is a method of preserving meat, adding flavor, and keeping its color. However, in the body, nitrites and nitrates can combine to generate cancer-causing nitrosamines.

Check the fine print if your hotdog product says “no nitrite or nitrate added.” 

According to the USDA, products that make this claim must include a line that says “except for those occurring naturally in” whichever naturally-occurring supplier the company has been using.

Cook and serve with safety.

Despite the fact that hot dogs are usually precooked, don’t assume they’re safe to consume raw. To reduce the risk of contamination with listeria monocytogenes, a potentially harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning, they should be roasted to an interior temperature of 165° F. Because pregnant women, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable to foodborne illness, this is especially critical.

Work Cited: Thompson, Matthew. “How to choose the best hot dogs (and what to avoid).” EatingWell, 29 June 2011, https://www.eatingwell.com/article/17451/how-to-choose-the-best-hot-dogs-and-what-to-avoid/. Accessed 17 December 2021.

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