Do you know what to buy and what not? Most overseas shopper have no idea about the items they purchased from Taobao are sensitive or not.
Usually the foods, drugs, chemical products, cosmetics and some digital products belong to sensitive items which will be checked strictly by the customs.
To save foreigners time and money, SG Directory sorts out a complete sensitive items list our customers shipping the most from China to other countries for you as a reference. This helps in saving cost and time.
Sensitive items shipping list from Taobao
中文名字 | English name |
2-氨基-4-氯苯甲酸 | 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid |
ARA油 | ARA oil |
DHA 粉 | DHA powder |
DHA油样品 | DHA iil sample |
DHA粉样品 | DHA powder sample |
DL-苹果酸 | DL- malic acid |
DL-天门冬氨酸 | DL- aspartic acid |
D-脯氨酸 | D- proline |
E026075亚太香水型香精 | E026075 Asia-Pacific perfume fragrance |
LED灯具 | LED lamps |
HTPK调油墨 | HTPK ink |
M2900水性外墙乳胶漆 | M2900 exterior water latex paint |
UV甲油胶 | UV nail glue |
L-赖氨酸 | L-lysine |
阿拉伯胶 | Acacia senegal/seyal |
UV耐酸抗蚀刻油墨 | UV acid corrosion resistant ink |
阿甘定型水 | Argan hair stereotypes water |
阿甘油 | Argan oil |
白炭黑 | White carbon black |
埃索美拉唑镁粗品 | Esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate material |
奥贝胆酸剂 | 6-Ethylchenodeoxycholic acid |
包装材料 | Packaging material |
宝矿力水特 | POCARI SWEAT |
苯甲酸 | Benzoic Acid/Carboxybenzene |
标准粘度液 | Standard viscosity fluid |
铋粉 | Bismuth powder |
铋 | Bismuth |
丙烯酸类共聚物样品 | Acrylic Acid-2-Hydroxypropy/Acrylate Copolymer sample |
玻璃瓶 | Glass bottles |
玻璃釉料 | Glass glaze material |
不锈钢铰链 | Stainless steel hinges |
不锈钢框 | Stainless steel frame |
彩胶 | Color gel |
不粘涂料底样品 | Stick coating sample |
次水杨酸铋 | Bismuth Salicylite Basic |
瓷砖 | Ceramic tile |
车配件 | Car accessories |
打印碳粉 | Print carbon powder |
打印墨水 | Print ink |
打印机墨水 | Printer ink |
打印机油墨 | Printer inks |
单磷酸样品 | Monophosphates sample |
单硬脂酸甘油酯 | Glyceryl Monostearate |
蛋白粉 | Albumen Powder |
蛋白酶 | Protease |
蛋白质 | Protein |
蛋白酶抑制剂 | Protease inhibitor |
低聚半乳糖粉 | Galactooligosaccharides powder |
导热灌封胶 | Pouring sealant of thermal conductivity |
低聚半乳糖浆 | Galactooligosaccharides syrup |
低聚果糖浆 | Fructo oligosaccharide syrup |
低聚果糖粉 | Fructo oligosaccharide powder |
地面清洁剂样品 | Floor cleaner sample |
碲铋合金 | Tellurium-bismuth alloy |
低密度聚乙烯HA2454 | Low Density Polyethylene HA2454 |
淀粉酶 | Amylase |
电子元件 | Electronic component |
厄他培南侧链甲基碳青霉双母核 | Ertapenem side chain beta-Methyl vinyl phosphate |
淀粉胶粉剂样品 | starch glue powder sample |
二氧化锆 | Zirconium dioxide |
二氧化锗 | Germanium dioxide |
儿童玩具泡沫 | Children toy foam |
二氧化碲 | Tellurium dioxide |
发蜡 | Pomade |
发油 | Hair oil |
菲尔特EC02电子接点润滑脂 | Fitlube EC02 electronic junction grease |
纺织助剂 | Textile auxiliary |
肪动水 | |
废水 | Waste water |
肥皂 | Soap |
粉末涂料 | Powder paint |
呋喃树脂粉末 | Furan resin powder |
粉末香精 | Powder essence |
改良树脂 | Modified resin |
辅酶Q10样品 | COENZYME Q10 sample |
改性松香树脂 | Modified rosin resin |
辅酶Q10 | COENZYME Q10 |
辅酵素 | Coenzyme |
干细胞因子 | Stem cell factor |
干燥剂 | Drier |
改性松香树脂样品 | Rosin modified resin sample |
感光阻焊油画墨 | Photosensitive solder resist ink |
高效减水剂样品 | High efficiency water reducer sample |
高岭土样品 | Kaolin sample |
高分子增塑剂 | Polymeric plasticizer |
工程塑料粒 | Engineering plastics granule |
工业盐 | Industrial salt |
铬铁 | Ferrochromium |
光变颜料 | Optically variable pigment |
钴湿法冶炼中间品 | Hydrometallurgical cobalt intermediate product |
钴粉 | Cobalt powder |
枸杞汁 | Wolfberry juice |
硅粉 | Silicon powder |
光稳定剂 | Light stabilizer |
光稳定剂颗粒 | Light stabilizer granule |
光扩散助剂 | Light diffusion additives |
硅蜡 | Silicone wax |
硅凝胶 | Silicone gel |
硅胶 | Silica gel |
硅灰石样品 | Wollastonite sample |
硅乳液 | Silicone emulsion |
硅酮密封胶 | Silicone sealant |
硅乳胶 | Silicone emulsion |
硅铜密封胶 | Silicone sealant |
硅油 | Silicone oil |
硅酮密封胶样品 | Silicone sealant sample |
硅烷偶联剂 | YSiX3 |
果冻胶 | JELLY GLUE |
果粉 | Fruit powder |
果汁味饮料 | Fruit flavored drinks |
果粉果汁样品 | Fruit powder juice sample |
合成树脂 | Synthetic resin |
合成香精 | Synthetic flavors |
护发素 | Hair Conditioner |
合成树脂刷 | Synthetic resin brush |
护肤露 | Lotion |
滑石粉 | Talc |
化学染料 | Chemical dyes |
化学试剂 | Chemical reagent |
化学助剂 | Chemical additives |
化妆水 | Makeup water |
化妆油 | Makeup oil |
黄金选矿剂 | Gold filter additives |
磺胺间二甲氧嘧啶钠 | Sulfadimethoxine sodium salt |
环氧大豆油 | Epoxidized soybean oil |
茴油 | Fennel oil |
茴香脑 | Anethole |
混合粉体香精 | Mixed powder essence |
混凝土结合剂 | Concrete binder |
混凝土添加剂 | Concrete additives |
活性碳 | Activated Carbon |
活性白土 | Activated clay |
混凝土外加剂 | Concrete admixtures |
肌酐样品 | Creatinine sample |
鸡尾酒饮料样品 | Cocktail beverage samples |
假指甲 | Fake nails |
假发纤维 | Fiber wig |
假发 | wig |
酱油 | Soy sauce |
姜油 | Ginger Oil |
胶水 | Glue |
胶水样品 | Glue sample |
教学玩具水性颜料 | Educational toy aqueous pigment |
胶粘剂 | Adhesive |
芥末酱油 | Wasabi sauce |
金葱粉 | Glitter powder |
净水剂 | Water purifying additives |
精华水 | Essential water |
精油 | Essential oils |
聚硅氧烷 | Polysiloxane |
聚氨酯胶粘剂 | Polyurethane Adhesive |
焗油膏 | Baking ointment |
聚羧酸减水剂 | Polycarboxylate superplasticizer |
聚季铵盐牙样品 | Polyquaternium sample |
聚醚多元醇混合物 | Polyether polyol mixture |
卡拉胶 | Carrageenan |
卡拉胶样品 | Carrageenan sample |
卡那霉素注射液 | KANAMYCIN |
聚乙烯 | Polyethylene |
抗氧剂 | Antioxidants |
抗冲改性剂 | Impact modifier |
抗滴落剂 | Anti-dripping agent |
抗敏修复霜 | Anti-allergy Repair Cream |
抗氧剂液体 | Antioxidant Liquid |
抗氧剂1520 | Antioxidant 1520 |
抗氧剂固体和光稳定剂 | Solid antioxidants and light stabilizers |
抗氧剂颗粒 | Antioxidants particles |
兰索拉唑 | Lansoprazole |
辣椒粉 | Chili powder |
雷迪帕维 | Ledipasvir |
磷酸三钠 | Trisodium phosphate |
磷酸三钠样品 | Trisodium phosphate sample |
磷霉素氨丁三醇 | Fosfomycin Trometamolium |
邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯 | Diisononyl phthalate |
邻苯二甲酸二丙基庚酯 | Bis(2-propylheptyl) phthalate |
灵芝多糖 | Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharide |
硫酸钡 | Barium Sulfate |
硫酸新霉素 | Neomycin Sulphate |
芦荟汁 | Aloe juice |
芦荟饮料样品 | Aloe beverage samples |
铝瓶 | Aluminum bottle |
马来酸三甲丁酯 | Mono-n-butyl maleate |
甲基吡啶盐酸盐 | Picolinic Acid Hydrochloride, |
孟鲁司特中间体 | Montelukast intermediate |
美甲机 | Nail Printer |
迷迭香提取物(粉末) | Rosemary extract (powder) |
迷迭香提取物(液体) | Rosemary extract (liquid) |
咪康硝酸盐 | Miconazole nitrate |
墨盒 | Cartridges |
明胶 | Gelatin |
明胶样品 | gelatin sample |
墨水 | Ink |
沐浴露&润肤霜 | Shower gel & moisturizer |
沐浴用品 | Bathing supplies |
沐浴盐 | Bath salts |
萘系高效减水剂 | Naphthalene superplasticizer |
镍合金噴焊粉样品 | Spray-nickel alloy powder samples |
纳米碳酸钙 | Nano Calcium Carbonate |
钕铁硼永磁铁样品 | NdFeB permanent magnet sample |
凝胶 | Gel |
浓缩粉 | Concentrated powder |
泡泡水 | Bubble water |
喷雾 | spray |
泡泡玩具 | Bubble toy |
蓬松柔软剂 | Fluffy softener |
啤酒 | Beer |
偏苯三酸三辛酯 | Trimellitic acid trioctyl |
气相法氧化铝 | Fumed alumina |
氢氧化钴 | Cobalt hydroxide |
清洁剂样品 | Cleaners sample |
氢氧化锆 | Zirconium hydroxide |
清洁墨水 | Clean ink |
琼脂 | The agar |
琼脂糖 | Agarose |
染发剂 | Hair dye |
染发膏 | Hair coloring cream |
热升华墨水 | Sublimation Ink |
人造血袋 | Artificial blood bag |
日化香精 | Household essence |
溶解液 | Dissolving liquid |
润发油 | Brilliantine |
润滑剂 | Lubricants |
桑椹香精E02209 | Mulberry flavors E02209 |
三元催化剂 | Three-way catalyst |
三氧化二铋 | Bismuth trioxide |
三氧化二锢 | Indium oxide |
色料 | Jade raw materials |
色浆 | Pigment dispersion |
闪粉 | Flash powder |
沙棘油 | Sea buckthorn oil |
摄像头 | Webcam |
身体乳 | Body Lotion |
十六十八醇 | Cetostearyl Alcohol |
烧烤工具 | BBQ Tools |
食品用香料(液态) | Food flavorings (Liquid) |
石油树脂 | Petroleum resin |
食品风味配料 | Food flavor ingredients |
食用添加剂 | Edible additive |
食用香料 | Edible spices |
蜀葵提取物 | Hollyhock extract |
树脂胶 | Resin adhesive |
树脂 | Resin |
数码打印机油墨 | Digital printer ink |
数码印刷机 | Digital presses |
双苹果香精 | Double apple flavor |
爽身粉 | Talcum powder |
水淀粉 | Water starch |
水性颜料 | Aqueous pigment |
水性涂料 | Water-based paint |
水性油墨 | water-based ink |
水性着色 | The aqueous coloring |
饲料 | feed |
四氧化三钴 | Cobalt oxide |
鉰料添加剂 | feed additive |
松香树脂 | Rosin resin |
松焦油 | Pine tar |
松油醇 | Terpineol |
钛熔块 | Titanium frit |
钛白粉 | Titanium Dioxide |
炭黑 | Carbon black |
碳粉 | Carbon powder |
碳粉墨水 | Carbon powder ink |
檀香油 | Sandalwood oil |
陶瓷色料 | Ceramic Color |
陶瓷墨水 | Ceramic ink |
陶瓷熔块 | Ceramic fric |
陶瓷颜料 | Ceramic pigment |
陶瓷印刷剂 | Ceramic printing agent |
填充母料 | Filled masterbatch |
锑 | Antimony |
调色剂 | Toner |
天然丙酸苄酯 | Nature benzyl propionate |
调味料 | Seasoning |
桐油 | Tung oil |
铜精矿 | Copper concentrate sample |
铜铁混合颗粒 | Copper and iron mixed particles |
透明质酸钠 | Sodium hyaluronate |
透明清漆 | Transparent varnish |
头孢克肟 | Cefixime |
微硅粉 | Silica fume |
脱水蔬菜粉 | Dehydrated vegetable powder |
维生素 | Vitamin |
维生素 A | Vitamin A |
维生素 D3 | Vitamin D3 |
维生素a棕榈酸酯 | Vitamin A palmitic S acid |
维生素A棕榈酸酯油 | Vitamin A Palmitate oil |
维生素B12 | Vitamin B12 |
维生素D3 | Vitamin D3 |
维他命A粉 | Vitamin A powder |
维他命AD粉 | Vitamin AD powder |
维他命D粉 | Vitamin D powder |
硒鼓粉 | Cartridges powder |
硒粒 | Selenium granule |
胃蛋白酶 | Pepsin |
硒鼓 | Toner Cartridge |
洗发水 | Shampoo |
洗眼液 | Eye wash solution |
纤维素饮料 | Cellulose drinks |
纤维素酶 | Cellulase |
虾粉 | Shrimp powder |
虾饲料 | Shrimp feed |
线路板印刷油墨 | PCB printing inks |
香草油 | Vanilla oil |
香草液体香精 | Liquid vanilla essence |
香蕉精油 | Banana Essential oils |
香精 | Essence |
香茅油 | Citronella oil |
香料 | Spices |
香精油 | Essential oils |
香薰精油 | Aroma Oil |
香油 | Sesame oil |
橡胶抗氧剂 | Rubber Antioxidant |
消气粉 | Getter powder |
血袋 | Blood bags |
消光粉 | Extinction powder |
薰衣草油 | Lavender oil |
牙齿美白剂 | Teeth whitening agents |
氧化锗 | Germanium oxide |
氧化锆珠 | Zirconium oxide beads |
液体化合物 | Liquid compound |
液体松香树脂 | Liquid rosin resins |
椰油酰基丙基甜菜碱 | Cocoyl betaine |
液态树脂 | Liquid resin |
胰液素 | Secretin |
胰酶 | Pancreatin |
一次性使用塑料血袋 | Disposable plastic blood bags |
乙 二醇二甲酸酯 | Ethylene glycol |
铟 | Indium |
油墨 | Inks |
油墨盒 | Ink cartridge |
釉料 | Glaze |
有机锡 | Organotin |
玉米粉 | Corn flour |
玉兰油粉 | Corn oil flour |
月桂基醚硫酸钠 | Lauryl ether sulfate |
越橘提取物(花青素) | Bilberry extract (anthocyanin) |
云母粉 | Mica Powder |
增白剂 | Brightener |
啫喱胶 | Gel glue |
增色粉 | Enriched flour |
增色剂 | Toners |
粘合剂 | Bonding agent |
中性耐候密封胶 | Neutral sealant weathering |
蒸汽泵 | Steam Pump |
脂肪酸甲酯 | Fatty acid methyl ester |
珍珠粉 | Pearl powder |
重晶石 | Barite |
智能显示屏 | Smart Display |
指甲油 | Nail Polish |
珠光颜料 | Pearlescent pigments |
紫外线粘胶 | UV glue |
左旋多巴 | Levodopa |
足贴 | Foot Patch |
Can Singapore buy from Taobao?

Singaporeans can indeed buy from Taobao, one of the largest online marketplaces in China. However, it is important to note that there are certain challenges that Singaporean shoppers may face when purchasing from Taobao.
These include language barriers if you are non mandarin speaker, currency exchange rates, and shipping costs. Despite these challenges, Taobao is a popular platform for Singaporean shoppers looking for affordable and unique goods, including fashion, electronics, and home decor.
To ensure a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience on Taobao, it is recommended that Singaporean shoppers use a Taobao agent or a third-party shipping service. These services provide assistance with communication, payment, and shipping, as well as other logistics to facilitate the purchase.
What are sensitive goods shipping?
Sensitive goods are products that could potentially be illegal if they reached their destination without proper license and clearance. These goods generally emcompass live animals, counterfeit goods, bullion of precious metals, firearms, ammunition, explosives and weapons, human remain or ashes and more.
For more understanding, read what you can bring into Singapore customs here.